February 16, 2025

Decisions is based on real life. Real scenarios. And the importance of your Decision making. Just understand the Decisions we make affect those in our lives… Log on to www.bcommtv.com Produced by Elvis Blount & Steve Figueroa

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BcommTV Staff Writer

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  • Scarlett

    I love this episode. It’s really an eye opener. I’m hoping to continue with the series. I hope they release other episodes as soon as possible.

  • Roberta

    Decision is one of my favourite series. It centres on real life events rather than just fiction. If you’ve made bad decisions in life, there’s a chance for you to correct them

  • Lilian Snow

    How comes getting signatures is a big deal. I do hope his sister helps out too! Trial’s in two weeks and I ain’t seeing any means of black leaving the box. I do hope he leaves though! He’s one of my favorite.

    • Marlon Nash Washington

      When the courts ask for bail the one paying the bail has to be at they job a certain amount of years plus depending on the case they ask for signatures of respected ppl with good careers to vouch for the person so to speak

  • Alexander

    Really interesting series. But I’m kinda lost, is black innocent of the charge levied against him? Why trying to pin him down? And what about Chisel claiming self-defense? Or do I need to wait for the next episode for answers?

  • Joseph

    We’ve all made bad decisions in life which has affected us in one or the other way. This series centers on what’s going on in this present generation. I am closely following to see it to the end.

  • Lady Grasha

    This is a series for every young person. Bad decisions have ruined families and lives. So if you want to live a life, making good decisions, then you should see this series as it will help you

  • Black Pearl

    So, Justin’s in for trouble now thanks to Jose. I mean, why would he go ahead to steal from Marlin? I really hope he doesn’t get hit so hard! And his music? That would be for another scene I guess.

  • Billy

    LOL. He looks tight like a tighter! The attorney and his boys look like they are up to something. Please drop the next episode let’s see their plan of action!

  • Barclay

    Any movie that doesn’t teach moral lessons isn’t worth my time. I’m happy that this series delivers and convey what’s happening in the society. Thanks for your efforts.

  • Philberta

    I love this educational movie. The world we live in is shaped by the decisions of past leaders. I’m seriously happy about this series and these are kind of series I want to be watching.

  • Barrick

    I recently started following this Decision movie and I’m really thrilled by each episode. It just keeps getting interesting and filled with suspense. I’m patiently looking out for the day of the trial. Keep them coming! Really enjoying it.

  • Maria

    The video quality of this series looks quite high! The effects are not too much and it looks really professional. Are you using a software for the subtitle? If yes, I suggest you change to another one. It’s not recording the correct words as they speak.

  • Joyce

    I love how fast the series is going. I’ve been following this series from season one till now and I’m impressed with the content and the message that the series pass. Great work from a great producer

  • Edward

    I’m also a movie producer and after seeing season one of this series, I can’t help but give a 5-star rating to the series. I believe the producer will do more to entertain fans of this series.

  • Alfie

    I want to start my own TV series and I’m really drawing inspiration from this movie series. It’s intriguing and really speaks a lot. Mine would be centered on relationships gone wrong and I so hope it would be a blast just like this! Good job here guys!

  • Charlotte

    I’m impressed with the content of this movie. I stopped watching a few series, but I’m back at it again. The content is based on a real-life scenario. I’d recommend this series to every youth.

  • Pamela

    So, Black’s been in the box for 30days because he was charged with murder?? Good. He should chill there for a while. Plus, they should charge him for doing illegal stuff and drugs too! I like his mum and sister better.

  • Normal

    I just finished watching episode two of this latest season and I’m happy about the content. Your decisions affect people lives and it’s important one critically thinks about his/her decisions before making it.

  • Francisca

    I think Ruby is one of the reasons why her son’s in the box. I remember she said he was pissing shit when he was young! But she still allowed him to go ahead and do illegal things and drugs! Though she’s enjoying the money.

  • Samantha

    So what’s gonna happen to June and Blount who made away with Marlin’s cash? I bet they are gonna get into a serious clash with Marlin’s nigga! Jose didn’t do well asking them for half a million! Now they’ve gotten themselves into trouble!

  • Facts

    This was a good Episode. Can’t wait tell next week to watch the Episode!